So you would like to quit smoking or maybe just eliminate that nasty cigarette odor that sticks to your hair, clothes, and skin, well here is a list of the top 5 e-cig brands to check out for 2018: 1.V-2 No,...
When it comes to vaping, this is something that a lot of people are doing to help them stop smoking. There are quite a few people that are people that are interested in cutting out smoking altogether. It is...

How To Treat Insomnia

Insomnia In many cases insomnia can be remedied by a healthy diet and good sleeping habits. The most important factor is determining if the insomnia is caused by a medical condition. Medications or behavioral therapy have been effective treatments in...

Green Tea

Green Tea is made by using the leaves of Camellia sinensis (Tea plant). It was originated in China during the reign of the King Shennong and later its production spread to other countries of Asia. There are many variations...

Benefits of Green Tea

According to the researchers, Green Tea is considered the healthiest drink and is believed to be rich in catechins, which are antioxidants that fight and prevent cell damage because it is not processed much. It lowers cholesterol and improves...

Food for Good Skin

The recent studies reveal that there are certain nutrients present in our diet, which increase radiance, wrinkle reduction and acne prevention of our skin. There are some foods, which are considered good for skin, and one can include them...
Water is literally skin’s best friend. Drinking up to 8 glasses of water per day helps to improve the skin’s glow and prevent many diseases at the same time. Water therapy is drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day....
Water is essential for life. The human body is made up of up to 75% water content and it is a major portion. It is recommended that an average person should intake about 8-15 glasses of water per day....